Many years ago on March 3, 1997 an UFO was sighted over Phoenix. People spot lights in the sky gliding, not like any aircraft they've seen on Earth. Phones rang and radio stations got report that night, so CNN one of the biggest news network immediately went out and recorded this weird flying object down. Photos were taken from mountain hills. These lights in the sky was lined up as in a V shape. There was another explaining for this light by people, because this light was seen by different people in different area, some say it was 8 orbs of light lined up close to the letter V. It was probably eight UFO visiting earth as some says. When this news were spread out the world, Phoenix is now known for its "Phoenix Lights." But this wasn't all of it, in 1997 many reports of UFO over this same area in Phoenix. Witnesses described the object was a boomerang shape-like flying object. A police was driving home with his family had reported that he and his family have seen similar flying object over the sky. Lights lined up in a V shape with one small light following from behind. At the same time, many police departments, National UFO center, news media and other entertainment received calls about sighting similar V shape flying object over the sky. Out of all these witnesses, one had taken a picture and it was the biggest sighted UFO report at that day. It was studied that the flying object was 3 kilometers wide. This flying object was given the name of "Big Black Triangle."
Want to know what the government say about this Phoenix Lights? The Marine Base said "
the amber-colored flares came from training flights on the Goldwater Gunnery Range. They went on to explain that the amber flares are used as targets." But base on studies and videos on this incident, flares do not have the ability to glide over sky for miles and remain in the same distance from each other, just too synchronized to be flares.

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And here is a video that was recorded on mountain hills in 1997 for the UFO. ""
The UFO spotted 5 years ago 2002, in North Lincolnshire was a big hit. On March 31, MoD (Ministry of Defense) received reports of two lights circling around each other. Colors were yellow, blue, red, and green. Month later in April 7, more witnesses have reported seeing a blue light flying object in the sky, some described the fling object was in a torpedo shape with white smoking along. What the people have said that was amazing was that the UFO was only 150ft away and 50 ft away from the ground AND made no noise. Even helicopters, plane, jets and other flying object on Earth would of made noise that can be heard from this distance.
Source ""
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