The biggest hit on news in the pass about UFO crashing on Earth was in July 1947, crashed in to a dessert of New Mexico. The Roswell Army base was responsible for recovering the flying The biggest hit on news in the pass about UFO crashing on Earth was in July 1947, crashed in to a dessert of New Mexico. The Roswell Army base was responsible for recovering the flying object and other possible 4-5 bodies included. Civilians that immediately went to the location of the crash saw injured bodies that were not human like. They described the bodies has bighead, grayish skins, huge eyes that were dark, and a skinny body with very few and long fingers. After the bodies were retrieved by the army base of Roswell, photos were taken and sent out before it was stopped. Universal, space biology, earth biology, space living organism and etc. of other scientist were quickly brought to the laboratory and study the non-human-like creature that were found near the crashed UFO. On July 9, 1947, Walter Haut (the original speaker for the incident of crashed UFO in New Mexico) ran an headline on the newspaper that shocked the world of "RAAF Captures Flying Saucer on Ranch in Roswell Region." In 1991 he announced that he did not spot any UFO remaining, but he confirmed that must be something at the sky during that time. Could this be done by the government? To keep it under top secret so it won't cause chaos in the society.
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Here is a video taken during the crash in 1947 at New Mexico, but no one knows where the video came from and if it was a hoax. Source of video was still unknown until today. ""
There was a rumor about a guy name Mac Braze brought in some unusual metal, this metal has the ability to revert back into it's original shape when its bent.
After this big event about UFO crashing into Earth, many countries around the world had civilians reported that they've been sighting Aliens in their Undefined Flying Object space craft.
There was another rumor about all these disk-shape-like UFO. During WWII, when the Germany surrenders, American army broke into their underground military base where all the nuclear bomb were in experiment. They found a schematic of a flying space craft, its shape is 90% similar to the UFO that we see on television and newspaper. People thought that those UFO in history around 50 years ago were just German's spacecraft.
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