Even though the government have not really revealed what they've found out about UFO, Aliens, and space living organism encounter, the NASA space shuttle had shown official videos of spotting UFO out in space and around the Earth's atmospheres. Countless videos of spotting UFO like objects in space were captured by the NASA space shuttle auto camera that were to observe earth.
The most powerful and debatable video that NASA had recorded was in 1991 by footage space shuttle camera. In the video, we can see the Earth's atmosphere with many other space floating ice cap, but there was one object that was flying at a balance speed in one direction, after 2 mysterious flash it made a 135 degree turn and accelerate at a speed of 2,500 mph. Scientist explained that no space particle or asteroids can change direction in a split second, the only explanation left is for Spacecraft. Another question was that, what was that mysterious light? can it be some sort of firing missile attack toward that object? and where was it from?
The other explanation toward this video is that it can't be a UFO. It can be just an ice particle in space that received a space shuttle released force which can push the ice particle toward another direction. The second man to walk moon "Buzz Aldrin" said this video don't contain enough evidence to prove it as an UFO. Dr. Edgar Mitchell also walked on the moon during Apollo 14 mission, said it can be some space activities that were not announced which caused the object to be pushed away.
Here is the mysterious video recorded by NASA. Please reply with your comment on this video, what do you think and who do you agree with? "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jo9XthAkufs"
Saturday, March 10, 2007
UFO next to Twin Tower and Over mexico. Captured on offical cameras.
Can you believe that an UFO was right next to the WTC Twin Tower?
On July 24th, 2000, a group of tourist? was on a helicopter in lower Manhattan near the WTC was just having an overview of NYC. Later as one lady at the front seat next the the helicopter driver pointed at the second twin tower, there was an object sticking out "exact spot the second plane would later crash into on 911!" (So mysterious and is it a coincidence?). It was an UFO, as soon as the camera point straight at it, the UFO flew from out from behind the Twin Tower toward the helicopter, but was more of a distance in front of it. Within a few seconds the UFO flew into the sky leaving vapor smoke. UFOlogical studies did every possible examination on this video, it was told that it wasn't a hoax. In the video there were no choppiness (cutting or a split second of pause) for the edit can be put in. This is one of the most mysterious cases for the UFOlogy had encounter. This happened just 18month before the incident of 911 and that UFO was at the exact spot where the plane crashed into.
Source "http://www.ufocasebook.com/wtcvideo.html"
The famous video recorded on the helicopter "http://youtube.com/watch?v=wJAEVjJtMuU"
Believe that most of you have heard about UFO being sighed over Mexico and full of witnesses and reports, but most likely they are all fake. Would you believe if a military force aircraft recorded while he was gliding in the sky doing his duty?
On Marh 5, 2004, Mayor Magdaleno Jasso Núñez was flying his C26A Bimotor airplane and was doing a routinary flight. This airplane is programmed for surveillance, gathering information by a hi resolution camera, detect and identify drug dealers flight and it does not carry any combat weapons. Around 17:00 (5:00pm) Magdaleno's airplane radar detected an unknown flying traffic. He believe its possible of drug dealers so he start to approach the flying object on the radar, as the plane get closer, the unknown flying object flew away in a high speed. Magdaleno was disappointed that he revealed himself and allowed the target to fly out of sight, but minutes later the unknown flying object is back on radar and following them. Magdaleno couldn't get any maneuvers contact with the flying objects, it wasn't one when it return, it was two. Magdaleno couldn't believe it that he can't make a visual contact with the flying object even when hes in such a close range, but the radar wasn't lying, it shows two flying object behind his plane. Minutes have passed, now the radar show another new unknown flying object had appeared, its shape and characteristics are same as the other two. Now the radar have total of 11 flying object, but Magdaleno said he still can't get a visual contact of it, its some sort of high technology camouflage bright light that can't be visualized. Soon the eleven flying object circled Magdaleno's plane, Magdaleno just stayed calm and continue to report back to base. After another few minutes the flying object start to disappear off the radar and letting MAgdaleno return to base. The Defense ministry did a full investigation on the tapes that were recorded on the plane and questioned Magdaleno. Months later the tape was released in public by the Defense Ministry.
Full artile "http://www.2012.com.au/UFO_Mexico.html"
A video of the situation "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BBc5Fv4xFIo"

On July 24th, 2000, a group of tourist? was on a helicopter in lower Manhattan near the WTC was just having an overview of NYC. Later as one lady at the front seat next the the helicopter driver pointed at the second twin tower, there was an object sticking out "exact spot the second plane would later crash into on 911!" (So mysterious and is it a coincidence?). It was an UFO, as soon as the camera point straight at it, the UFO flew from out from behind the Twin Tower toward the helicopter, but was more of a distance in front of it. Within a few seconds the UFO flew into the sky leaving vapor smoke. UFOlogical studies did every possible examination on this video, it was told that it wasn't a hoax. In the video there were no choppiness (cutting or a split second of pause) for the edit can be put in. This is one of the most mysterious cases for the UFOlogy had encounter. This happened just 18month before the incident of 911 and that UFO was at the exact spot where the plane crashed into.
Source "http://www.ufocasebook.com/wtcvideo.html"
The famous video recorded on the helicopter "http://youtube.com/watch?v=wJAEVjJtMuU"
Believe that most of you have heard about UFO being sighed over Mexico and full of witnesses and reports, but most likely they are all fake. Would you believe if a military force aircraft recorded while he was gliding in the sky doing his duty?
On Marh 5, 2004, Mayor Magdaleno Jasso Núñez was flying his C26A Bimotor airplane and was doing a routinary flight. This airplane is programmed for surveillance, gathering information by a hi resolution camera, detect and identify drug dealers flight and it does not carry any combat weapons. Around 17:00 (5:00pm) Magdaleno's airplane radar detected an unknown flying traffic. He believe its possible of drug dealers so he start to approach the flying object on the radar, as the plane get closer, the unknown flying object flew away in a high speed. Magdaleno was disappointed that he revealed himself and allowed the target to fly out of sight, but minutes later the unknown flying object is back on radar and following them. Magdaleno couldn't get any maneuvers contact with the flying objects, it wasn't one when it return, it was two. Magdaleno couldn't believe it that he can't make a visual contact with the flying object even when hes in such a close range, but the radar wasn't lying, it shows two flying object behind his plane. Minutes have passed, now the radar show another new unknown flying object had appeared, its shape and characteristics are same as the other two. Now the radar have total of 11 flying object, but Magdaleno said he still can't get a visual contact of it, its some sort of high technology camouflage bright light that can't be visualized. Soon the eleven flying object circled Magdaleno's plane, Magdaleno just stayed calm and continue to report back to base. After another few minutes the flying object start to disappear off the radar and letting MAgdaleno return to base. The Defense ministry did a full investigation on the tapes that were recorded on the plane and questioned Magdaleno. Months later the tape was released in public by the Defense Ministry.
Full artile "http://www.2012.com.au/UFO_Mexico.html"
A video of the situation "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BBc5Fv4xFIo"
Government can use Alien's technology and make Earth better?
A Canadian defense minister mentioned that he would love to encounter or meet an alien. He wants to know what everyone earth wants to know about aliens, where are they from? why are they here at earth? what do they want from us? Are they harmful to us? These are questions everyone most likely would want to ask an alien. Another thing this Canadian defense minister "Kratos" said was that "I would like to see what (alien) technology there might be that could eliminate the burning of fossil fuels within a generation ... that could be a way to save our planet,...." I agree with this line, if human are able to manipulate alien's technology, we can get rid of the burning fossil fuel for energy and discover other harmless ways to provide ourselves with limitless energy and resources.
Paul Hellyer, the Parliamentary Assistant to the Minister National Defense said he believes in the existence of aliens and believed to be traveled from a far galaxy to Earth with impulsive and propulsion systems. He wants to persuade government to tell the public what they've discovered about aliens so far "We need to persuade governments to come clean on what they know."
Paul Hellyer never agree with space weapons, he promotes Space Preservation Treaty to ban any source of space weapon. He demands that governments have been hiding alien technology and should disclose what they know and it will help earth's climate change. This should be done quickly before worst issues applies.
Full article "http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20070228/wl_canada_afp/canadaenvironmentkyoto_070228180440"
Paul Hellyer, the Parliamentary Assistant to the Minister National Defense said he believes in the existence of aliens and believed to be traveled from a far galaxy to Earth with impulsive and propulsion systems. He wants to persuade government to tell the public what they've discovered about aliens so far "We need to persuade governments to come clean on what they know."
Paul Hellyer never agree with space weapons, he promotes Space Preservation Treaty to ban any source of space weapon. He demands that governments have been hiding alien technology and should disclose what they know and it will help earth's climate change. This should be done quickly before worst issues applies.
Full article "http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20070228/wl_canada_afp/canadaenvironmentkyoto_070228180440"
UFO sighted over Phoenix and Lincolnshire.
Many years ago on March 3, 1997 an UFO was sighted over Phoenix. People spot lights in the sky gliding, not like any aircraft they've seen on Earth. Phones rang and radio stations got report that night, so CNN one of the biggest news network immediately went out and recorded this weird flying object down. Photos were taken from mountain hills. These lights in the sky was lined up as in a V shape. There was another explaining for this light by people, because this light was seen by different people in different area, some say it was 8 orbs of light lined up close to the letter V. It was probably eight UFO visiting earth as some says. When this news were spread out the world, Phoenix is now known for its "Phoenix Lights." But this wasn't all of it, in 1997 many reports of UFO over this same area in Phoenix. Witnesses described the object was a boomerang shape-like flying object. A police was driving home with his family had reported that he and his family have seen similar flying object over the sky. Lights lined up in a V shape with one small light following from behind. At the same time, many police departments, National UFO center, news media and other entertainment received calls about sighting similar V shape flying object over the sky. Out of all these witnesses, one had taken a picture and it was the biggest sighted UFO report at that day. It was studied that the flying object was 3 kilometers wide. This flying object was given the name of "Big Black Triangle."
Want to know what the government say about this Phoenix Lights? The Marine Base said "the amber-colored flares came from training flights on the Goldwater Gunnery Range. They went on to explain that the amber flares are used as targets." But base on studies and videos on this incident, flares do not have the ability to glide over sky for miles and remain in the same distance from each other, just too synchronized to be flares.

For more information visit "http://www.ufoindia.org/article_ps_phoenix.htm"
And here is a video that was recorded on mountain hills in 1997 for the UFO. "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x0CQpWS3dbY"
The UFO spotted 5 years ago 2002, in North Lincolnshire was a big hit. On March 31, MoD (Ministry of Defense) received reports of two lights circling around each other. Colors were yellow, blue, red, and green. Month later in April 7, more witnesses have reported seeing a blue light flying object in the sky, some described the fling object was in a torpedo shape with white smoking along. What the people have said that was amazing was that the UFO was only 150ft away and 50 ft away from the ground AND made no noise. Even helicopters, plane, jets and other flying object on Earth would of made noise that can be heard from this distance.
Source "http://frankwarren.blogspot.com/2007/02/five-years-since-ufo-sightings.html"
Want to know what the government say about this Phoenix Lights? The Marine Base said "the amber-colored flares came from training flights on the Goldwater Gunnery Range. They went on to explain that the amber flares are used as targets." But base on studies and videos on this incident, flares do not have the ability to glide over sky for miles and remain in the same distance from each other, just too synchronized to be flares.
For more information visit "http://www.ufoindia.org/article_ps_phoenix.htm"
And here is a video that was recorded on mountain hills in 1997 for the UFO. "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x0CQpWS3dbY"
The UFO spotted 5 years ago 2002, in North Lincolnshire was a big hit. On March 31, MoD (Ministry of Defense) received reports of two lights circling around each other. Colors were yellow, blue, red, and green. Month later in April 7, more witnesses have reported seeing a blue light flying object in the sky, some described the fling object was in a torpedo shape with white smoking along. What the people have said that was amazing was that the UFO was only 150ft away and 50 ft away from the ground AND made no noise. Even helicopters, plane, jets and other flying object on Earth would of made noise that can be heard from this distance.
Source "http://frankwarren.blogspot.com/2007/02/five-years-since-ufo-sightings.html"
The beginning discovery for UFO.
The biggest hit on news in the pass about UFO crashing on Earth was in July 1947, crashed in to a dessert of New Mexico. The Roswell Army base was responsible for recovering the flying The biggest hit on news in the pass about UFO crashing on Earth was in July 1947, crashed in to a dessert of New Mexico. The Roswell Army base was responsible for recovering the flying object and other possible 4-5 bodies included. Civilians that immediately went to the location of the crash saw injured bodies that were not human like. They described the bodies has bighead, grayish skins, huge eyes that were dark, and a skinny body with very few and long fingers. After the bodies were retrieved by the army base of Roswell, photos were taken and sent out before it was stopped. Universal, space biology, earth biology, space living organism and etc. of other scientist were quickly brought to the laboratory and study the non-human-like creature that were found near the crashed UFO. On July 9, 1947, Walter Haut (the original speaker for the incident of crashed UFO in New Mexico) ran an headline on the newspaper that shocked the world of "RAAF Captures Flying Saucer on Ranch in Roswell Region." In 1991 he announced that he did not spot any UFO remaining, but he confirmed that must be something at the sky during that time. Could this be done by the government? To keep it under top secret so it won't cause chaos in the society.
Want to know more? here is the link for a full view of the article "http://www.crystalinks.com/newmexico.html"
Here is a video taken during the crash in 1947 at New Mexico, but no one knows where the video came from and if it was a hoax. Source of video was still unknown until today. "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OhVTrfnQhcI"
There was a rumor about a guy name Mac Braze brought in some unusual metal, this metal has the ability to revert back into it's original shape when its bent.
After this big event about UFO crashing into Earth, many countries around the world had civilians reported that they've been sighting Aliens in their Undefined Flying Object space craft.
There was another rumor about all these disk-shape-like UFO. During WWII, when the Germany surrenders, American army broke into their underground military base where all the nuclear bomb were in experiment. They found a schematic of a flying space craft, its shape is 90% similar to the UFO that we see on television and newspaper. People thought that those UFO in history around 50 years ago were just German's spacecraft.

The myths about UFO flying over our planet today is still a myth. No one has ever found the evidence or any proof that UFO exist. They're always photo of a disk-shape flying object with bright lights around it, but there were numbers of them that were hoax (fake). These people that made their own UFO pictures and send it to stations, just wanted to make some money. There are people that had submitted real photographic images of UFO, but of course people still wouldn't believe unless one day we capture one and display it world wide.
We believe that the government knows a lot about the UFO and even other living organism from space, its just that they won't exposed to us which will caused some chaotic discussion.
People think that we recently discovered or sighted UFO flying around our planet pass the last 70 decades, but that is not true. In history, there were art images that shows a flying disk-shape object in the air with a flaming tail attach to it, and now scientist believes that in the pass people have sighted the existence of UFO. During the Renaissance, age of art in Europe, art works included human fearing an UFO over the sky.
These two painting (top left) are still in the news today, they are call "The Virgin Mary and Saint Giovannino" from the 15th century.
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