Monday, April 30, 2007

UFO might be from MARS?

Can all those UFO and aliens we've been sighting came from our neighbor planet "Mars"? We don't hold a 100percent information about Mars. We haven't even landed a man on it yet, so can we say for sure that they are no life on Mars. Couple of years back, news reported that NASA have discovered water on planet Mars, and because of that, Mars once may have life forms living on it. According to the science references, in-order for life to occur, water is the main source and element needed.

For many years, NASA and many other scientists with high quality telescopes are able to see the planet Mars, but what not everyone can see is that Mars have similar structures that we have on Earth 5,000 years ago. Which are the Egyptian Pyramids, NASA have taken pictures of Mars' surface and saw mountains and craters. But they're not simply mountains and craters, there are myths behind them. Some of the eroded cliffs and mountains actually have a face expression, animal body, Egyptian pyramid like structures, and many other similarities.

source :

NASA scientists since 1979 have been studying pictures taken of Mars surface. As today's technology became far better and amazing, we're able to image out the lands, mountains and other structures on Mars before it was eroded by wind or water.

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