Monday, April 30, 2007

Aliens visited Earth back 5,000 years ago

Continuing with Martians visiting Earth back 5,000 years ago. Cities of Mars been posted everywhere on the net. There have the "faces" (tall cliffs with sculpture of a human or Martian face).

The pyramids on Mars are very similar to the ones at Egypt, because the numbers of pyramids around the same area, height varies each other, and when Mars' rotations meet Earth at a point where we can see Mars with our bare eyes, the location of the pyramids on Mars point directly at Egypt's pyramid. Can this be a coincidence or done by someone at some point. No one knows for sure today, but we are still doing our best to discover the truth between Mars and Earth.

The "Faces" on mars are right here.

In Egyptians hieroglyphic icons, there have labels of non-human looking creatures. Also, around the world's ancient caves back in like 7,000-5,000 years ago has the a similar image. The image shows a man with sliver like whole armor with an helmet on. This is a myth to many scientist and archaeologists because how can people 7,000 years ago from different part of the world have common images of the same person. Did Aliens came on Earth during that time? Back to Egyptians hieroglyphics, we all know Egyptians has a lot of paintings of the past during their life time inside on the pyramid walls. There discovered this unusual painting that can't be solved. A festival with many people including the Egyptians themselves and few unknown human-like creature along.

Here is the image of the painting

Who can possibly tell us what that creature can be? It does fit today's description of an alien. So did the aliens taught the Egyptians how to build a pyramid?

UFO might be from MARS?

Can all those UFO and aliens we've been sighting came from our neighbor planet "Mars"? We don't hold a 100percent information about Mars. We haven't even landed a man on it yet, so can we say for sure that they are no life on Mars. Couple of years back, news reported that NASA have discovered water on planet Mars, and because of that, Mars once may have life forms living on it. According to the science references, in-order for life to occur, water is the main source and element needed.

For many years, NASA and many other scientists with high quality telescopes are able to see the planet Mars, but what not everyone can see is that Mars have similar structures that we have on Earth 5,000 years ago. Which are the Egyptian Pyramids, NASA have taken pictures of Mars' surface and saw mountains and craters. But they're not simply mountains and craters, there are myths behind them. Some of the eroded cliffs and mountains actually have a face expression, animal body, Egyptian pyramid like structures, and many other similarities.

source :

NASA scientists since 1979 have been studying pictures taken of Mars surface. As today's technology became far better and amazing, we're able to image out the lands, mountains and other structures on Mars before it was eroded by wind or water.

Chilean army discloses UFO contact

As we all know, governments been hiding what they know about outer-space life form and technology between them and us. But recently there was a release records on UFO and we've in contacts with them at the 10th International UFO Congress in front of thousands of people. Its a video that was being released, contents of the video was about seven years ago when the Navy vessels approached an UFO.

The Chilean army exposed their information to public showing that the materials of the UFO have common with records of 30 years history base on UFO. The UFO being sighted was said to be 40 meters in length and height of 1000 meters.
